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How to prioritize your children’s well-being during the divorce

Did you know that 37.6% of marriages in the United States end in divorce?

Oftentimes, the ones most affected by a divorce are the children. As parents, it is crucial to ensure that your children’s emotional and physical well-being remains a top priority during this transition.

Maintain open communication

Clear and honest communication is key. Encourage your children to express their feelings, fears and concerns. Create a safe space where they feel heard and understood. Let them know that their emotions are valid and reassure them that both parents love and support them.

Consistency and routine

Amidst change, providing a stable environment for your kids is essential. Establish consistent routines for meals, bedtime and activities, and if possible, coordinate this with your ex-partner. Predictability helps children feel secure and gives them a sense of control over their lives during this uncertain time.

Avoid negative talk

Resist the urge to speak negatively about your ex-partner in front of your children. Negative remarks can be hurtful and confusing for them. Instead, focus on positive aspects and qualities your children share with both parents.

Encourage quality time

Letting your children spend quality time with each parent is invaluable. Engage in activities that your children enjoy, such as playing games, reading or exploring new hobbies together. This helps strengthen your bond and assures them of your ongoing presence in their lives.

Maintain a united front

Presenting a united front, even when you and your ex-partner may not see eye to eye, can go a long way. Discuss important decisions regarding your children’s well-being together and strive for consistency in rules and expectations between households.

Empower your children

Involve your children in age-appropriate decisions about their lives. This could range from choosing their extracurricular activities to participating in setting their own schedules. Empowering them fosters a sense of independence and responsibility.

Seek professional support

Divorce can be emotionally difficult for everyone involved. Encourage your children to express their feelings through outlets like counseling or support groups, if necessary.

Keep up with self-care

Taking care of your own physical and emotional well-being is just as crucial. When you are in good health, both mentally and physically, you are better equipped to support your children through this transition.

Prioritizing your children means focusing on their emotional well-being and maintaining a stable environment. Your love and support are the anchors that will guide them through this transition and beyond.